March 2016 Gmail Spam Filtering Algorithm Change – The Gmail Slap

If you want to be a SUCCESSFUL email marketer you’ll want your email newsletters to reach your subscriber’s inbox.. and not their spam folder.

After all, how often do you pay attention to any email that’s in your spam folder?

Gmail  made a change to their spam filtering algorithm around March 2016 that can potentially send a lot of your emails to your subscriber’s spam folder.

And as usual, the Google folks (who own Gmail) are not revealing much about their new algorithm.

The challenge is though, that if you have a large email list and calculate what percentage of your subscribers are Gmail accounts, you may see upwards of up to 60% are Gmail accounts. So it warrants paying attention to their changes.

It seemed Email marketers were saying that your Email list protected you against any more “Google Slaps”. Because with a large email subscriber list, no one  needed to worry about SEO or changes to Google search engine algorithms…

… But this is not the case anymore.

Because, now we got the Gmail slap.

Until there’s more info available, we do know that the following will increase your chances of inboxing:


From your subscribers “REPLYing” to your emails. Make an offer to your subscribers for those of them that do reply.


When your subscribers specifically Whitelist your email address will ensure your emails reaching their inbox.

Mark As Priority

When your subscribers with Gmail open up you email, directly to the right of the end of your subject line is a little Gmail icon that when clicked on, will mark your email address as a priority and this too will help you avoid the spam folder.

As always, it’s about providing real and useful content.

It’s about being yourself and naturally attracting to your marketing campaigns those that resonate with you the most. So if somebody reads your latest email and then decides to UNSUBSCRIBE don’t worry about it. Focus on providing content to those that continue to be your Subscriber base.

Here is an older post that helps with avoiding the spam folders”